Baby Ammon was diagnosed with DiGeorge syndrome and numerous other abnormalities. His parents are grateful he is here despite the difficulties.

Baby Ammon was diagnosed with DiGeorge syndrome and numerous other abnormalities. His parents are grateful he is here despite the difficulties.
When Jessie was 24-weeks pregnant with Ammon, the doctor noticed he had clubbed feet and abnormalities with his heart. After an amniocentesis, Ammon was diagnosed with DiGeorge syndrome. At seven-months-old, he is bringing joy into the lives of Jessie, Nathan...
Evanna was born with DiGeorge syndrome. A 400-day hospital stay wasn’t easy for her parents but it strengthened their marriage and love for their daughter.
After learning their son had some markers for a genetic condition in utero, Bijan and Zach were offered to abort one of their twin boys. They declined the offer and also declined in utero testing. Jackson was diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion or DiGeorge syndrome. ...