Lissencephaly: Latest Post

Janeen- A Grandma’s Perspective: Lissencephaly

Janeen- A Grandma’s Perspective: Lissencephaly

Janeen is the proud grandparent of Hunter, a 10 year old boy who was diagnosed with lissencephaly.  Janeen was candid about her experience with Hunter and the joy he has brought into her life and his family’s life.   A Grandma's Love Four-month-old diagnosed with lissencephaly Even though Hunter wasn’t officially diagnosed...


Emily and Bryson: Lissencephaly

Emily and Bryson: Lissencephaly

Bryson and Emily were thrilled to welcome their first child Hunter.  They started noticing that Hunter was falling behind in some of his development.  When Hunter started having seizures, they knew something was wrong. He was diagnosed with...

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