My kids often tease me about the “paint pants” I wear. I enjoy doing projects at home and most of my jeans can attest to that. Perhaps I should buy new pants, but aside from buying various orange socks, I don’t enjoy shopping for clothes. Shopping is already a chore, but for many parents who have children with disabilities, finding clothes can be even more challenging. Trying to find clothes that work around medical equipment or clothes that work for those with sensory sensitivities can take a lot of time. Thankfully, some retailers have recognized this problem and have come out with “adaptive clothing” lines. Target, Zappos, Tommy Hilfiger, Silvert’s and Etsy each have something that can fit the specific needs your child has.
Sometimes it can feel like you are going through your challenges alone, and that no one can understand how you’re feeling. It’s important to remember the community we have and that although your situation is unique, there are many people out there who can empathize and give you much needed support. Even big companies are reaching out and trying to make things easier for you, like those companies mentioned above. You aren’t alone, the Orange Socks community is always here for you.
Gerald Nebeker, Ph.D. Orange Socks President