TRAK is a specialized ranch that helps connect people with animals and their community. They are located in Tucson Arizona and have been operating for 15 years. Jill and Scott, the founders of TRAK shared their inspiration for starting TRAK. Gerald also was able to talk to a few employees as well as a few parents of kids who have benefited from TRAK’s unique program.

Welcome to Sock Talk! A segment of the Orange Socks podcast where your host, Gerald Nebeker, documents topics affecting people with disabilities.

Sock Talk: All About The Special Olympics
In this episode, we dive into the history surrounding the formation of the Special Olympics. We interview Rebecca Ralston, who is the director of the Young Athletes Program of The International Special Olympics.

Sock Talk: A Doll Like Me with Amy Jandrisevits
Amy Jandrisevits created A Doll Like Me, so kids with physical differences could love and cherish their very own doll that looked exactly like them. She personally makes each doll by hand, and to date she has raised more than $225,000 to help off set the financial burden for those who could not otherwise afford a doll.

Sock Talk: Go Shout Love
In this episode, Gerald talks with Josh Veach, the co-director for Go Shout Love. A cause-driven for-profit business that raises funds and awareness for families on unique medical journeys. Go Shout Love The Formation of Go Shout Love Go Should Love...

Sock Talk: International Adoption for Children with Disabilities
Dr. Gerald Nebeker talks about a few adoption agencies that help facilitate international adoptions for children with disabilities. In this podcast you will also hear from Michelle, the CEO of Reece’s Rainbow as well as Kecia and Chris who have adopted two children with Down syndrome from the Ukraine.

Sock Talk- Early Intervention with Kristin Mancuso, PT, DPT
Dr. Gerald Nebeker talks about early intervention services that are available to children with developmental delays and disabilities. Gerald speaks with Kristin who is the director of the Early Intervention program at RISE. She explains who is eligible and...

Sock Talk- Employment and People With Disabilities
Even though the country has a record low employment rate of 2-3 percent, people with disabilities have an unemployment rate of 65 percent. Why is this? In this Podcast Gerald talks about with proper training, coaching, and job matching, people with disabilities...

Sock Talk- NIPT
In this episode Dr. Gerald Nebeker talks about NIPT prenatal testing and how the results are often misinterpreted. NIPT Testing What is NIPT? NIPT stands for noninvasive prenatal testing. Doctors often use NIPT to screen for genetic abnormalities. It is...