Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Campus Box 8040-UNC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8040 Phone: (919) 962-2001 Fax: 919-966-7463 Email: ectacenter@unc.edu Website: http://ectacenter.org/ Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center 907 Barra Row,...
North Carolina Division of Services for the Blind 2601 Mail Service Center 309 Ashe Avenue Raleigh, NC 27699-2601 Phone: (919) 733-9822 Fax: 919-733-9769 Toll-Free: (866) 222-1546 TDD/TTY: (919) 733-9700 Email: debbie.jackson@ncnmail.net Website:...
School for the Blind Governor Morehead School 2303 Mail Service Center 301 Ashe Avenue Administration Building Raleigh, NC 27699-2303 Phone: (919) 733-6382 Fax: 919-715-2206 Email: Denise.Williams@esdb.nc.gov Website:...