District of Columbia Department on Disability Services
250 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: (202) 730-1700
Fax: 202-730-1843
Email: dds@dc.gov
Website: http://dds.dc.gov/service/services-people-blindness-and-visual-impairments

NLS Library
DC Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
901 G Street, NW
Room 215
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 727-2142
Fax: 202-727-0322
TDD/TTY: (202) 727-2255
Email: lbph.dcpl@dc.gov
Website: http://dclibrary.org/services/accessibility

Library of Congress National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
1291 Taylor Street, NW
Washington, DC 20542
Phone: (202) 707-5100
Fax: 202-707-0712
Toll-Free: (800) 424-8567
TDD/TTY: (202) 707-0744
Email: nls@loc.gov
Website: http://www.loc.gov/nls

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