When Matt was only 3 hours old, Wendy was told he had Down syndrome. When we asked her how she felt receiving that news she told us, “I think I every emotion known, I was going through. I experienced shock, fear, trauma, devastation, anger. I thought, what did I do? Why me? I was afraid that my life had just been ruined’
Down syndrome- Trisomy 21: Latest Post
Wendy and Matt: Down syndrome
When Wendy first found out that she had a son with Down syndrome she was devastated. She felt as if her life was over and didn’t know what life would look like for their future. 32 years later she now realizes how great her life is with her son...
Down syndrome- Trisomy 21
Mercedes and Andy: Down Syndrome Adoption
After going through some challenging, family experiences, Mercedes and Andy decided to adopt a child with Down syndrome. They are forever grateful they did.
Jennifer: Down Syndrome
Jennifer’s whole life has been shaped by her sister, Vanessa, who has Down syndrome. She wishes everyone could experience the wonderful life she has had.
Will: Down syndrome and Autism
Will has three older siblings and all of them have a disability. His childhood wasn’t “normal” but his siblings have shaped him into who he is today.
Karen: Down Syndrome
Karen was surprised when her son was born with Down syndrome. She hopes that through her work, the world will be more accepting of those with disabilities.
Sasha and Gary: Down Syndrome
Sasha and Gary were surprised to learn that their daughter Zoey was diagnosed with Down syndrome in utero. They were given an option to terminate the pregnancy. Feeling like everyone has issues, they continued with the pregnancy. Several years later, Zoey has had...
Tamara and Matthew: Currently Pregnant with a Fetal Diagnosis of Down syndrome
Tamara and Matthew received an unexpected test result when trying to determine the gender of their baby early in their pregnancy. Their son has a 93% chance of having Down syndrome. In their interview, they speak of their fears and struggles on coming to terms...
Terah and Brian: Down Syndrome
After unsuccessfully trying for five years to get pregnant, Terah and Brian turned to in vitro fertilization. During their second round, they found out Terah was pregnant. An hour after Indy was born, she was diagnosed with Down syndrome. They were...
Shirlene: Down Syndrome
Jim is 51 years old and has Down syndrome. He lives with his mom Shirlene who at the time of his diagnosis had never met anyone with Down syndrome. At first, she was devastated. She now knows how grateful she is that Jim came into her life. Loving Your...
Kecia and Kris: 3 Children with Down Syndrome
Kecia and Kris were excited for the birth of their third daughter Brie. When she was born, they discovered that she had Down syndrome. The news was difficult for Kecia and Kris to process. 10 years later, they have realized how amazing Down syndrome is. They have...
McKenzie: Diaphragmatic Hernia, Cystic Hygroma, and Renal Agenesis
McKenzie anxiously anticipated the birth of her second child. She hoped this child could serve as a buddy for her first child, Trevor, who has Down syndrome. Unfortunately, she found out that Maely had several abnormalities and would die before, during or after...