Author Posts: Orange Socks

Wendy and Matt: Down syndrome

When Matt was only 3 hours old, Wendy was told he had Down syndrome. When we asked her how she felt receiving that news she told us, “I think I every emotion known, I was going through. I experienced shock, fear, trauma, devastation, anger. I thought, what did I do? Why me? I was afraid that my life had just been ruined’

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Erick: Down syndrome

Immediately following his daughter’s birth, the doctor told them she suspected their baby girl had Down syndrome.

Daniel: Menkes Disease

After Lucas missed milestones around nine months old, they sought help.  They were told to see a geneticist who thought because of Lucas’ unique hair texture that he had a copper related disorder.  

Brittney and Derik

Brittney and Derik share what SHINE syndrome is and how it has made an impact in their life.  Their daughter has been a joy in their life despite some of the difficulties that come when having a child with SHINE syndrome.

Wendy and Matt: Down syndrome

When Matt was only 3 hours old, Wendy was told he had Down syndrome. When we asked her how she felt receiving that news she told us, “I think I every emotion known, I was going through. I experienced shock, fear, trauma, devastation, anger. I thought, what did I do? Why me? I was afraid that my life had just been ruined’

Madison and Ty: Expecting a Terminal Baby

During a routine ultrasound, Madison and Ty found there was something was wrong with their baby boy. When they went to the specialist, they were told their baby’s bladder was large, and his kidneys were covered in cysts and had little to no function- a condition that...


TRAK is a specialized ranch that helps connect people with animals and their community.  They are located in Tucson Arizona and have been operating for 15 years.  Jill and Scott, the founders of TRAK shared their inspiration for starting TRAK.  Gerald also was able to talk to a few employees as well as a few parents of kids who have benefited from TRAK’s unique program.

October 2020 Newsletter

Trying to get your kids to wear a mask is hard enough, but adding a sensory sensitivity makes it even more difficult. Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit whose mission is “helping kids everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder,” is working to help that. If you...

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Estate Planning

Estate Planning

One of the most difficulties in having a child with a disability is the fear of the unknown. One of the most common fears is, “What will happen to my child when I die?” Having a plan will help ease your fears and can help make sure your child is taken care of long after you have passed.

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Talking to Your Kids About Differences

Talking to Your Kids About Differences

Most of a child’s learning and development will occur in the walls of our homes. It is important to teach our children about differences while they are young. Research has shown that by teaching children about differences, it allows them to process differences and develop appropriate and accurate views about people who have differences.

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5 Parent Blogs to Follow

5 Parent Blogs to Follow

Nothing is more powerful than feeling validated, heard, and understood. A parent who has walked the same or similar path as you can be your greatest most treasured resource. We have five parent blogs who are walking the disability path and sharing their journey. They all have created a great place for parents and others to learn and create a sense of belonging.

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September 2020 Newsletter

A couple years ago I had the opportunity to do an interview with Stephanie and Andy. Their story was both heartbreaking and inspiring. In the interview, they share their profound experience of having a child with a terminal diagnosis of anencephaly. Similar to...

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August 2020 Newsletter

A couple years ago I had the opportunity to do an interview with Stephanie and Andy. Their story was both heartbreaking and inspiring. In the interview, they share their profound experience of having a child with a terminal diagnosis of anencephaly. Similar to...

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Orange Socks

Orange Socks


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