Brittney and Derik share what SHINE syndrome is and how it has made an impact in their life. Their daughter has been a joy in their life despite some of the difficulties that come when having a child with SHINE syndrome.
Author Posts: Orange Socks
Jobs for People with Disabilities
Employment opportunities for people with disabilities have grown over the past several years. More companies have become more inclusive to find jobs for people with disabilities.
Traveling with a Child Who Has a Disability
Traveling in general can be a very stressful event. However, adding children into the mix can create even more stress and chaos. What if your child has a disability? What if they have medical equipment that needs to be with your child?
Accessible Homes
Hearing the news your child has been diagnosed with a disability will change your world. There are so many emotions and changes you will go through. Have you considered the changes that need to be made for your home? Is it equipped to have a wheelchair in it? How do you make the necessary changes to ensure your home is a safe place for your child to be?
Dental Health and Disabilities
Children with disabilities are more likely to develop dental issues when compared to their typically developing peers. There are several disabilities that increase the complexity of dental problems as well. Oral health is more important than people realize, taking care of our children’s teeth is a focus of our care that we should be providing.
Prosthetics for Children
Deciding whether or not a prosthetic device is the right option for your child’s limb difference is a big decision. There are many factors to consider when deciding. Ultimately the decision is up to each family and what is best for them.
Animal Assisted Therapy
It has been observed that interacting with animals can reduce stress and anxiety, increase certain brain chemicals associated with healthy behavior and function, reduce depression in older adults and have a significant improvement on behavior in children . The bond created between humans and animals has been used for several decades as a therapeutic strategy to help many different issues.
Gift Guide for Children with Disabilities
Trying to find the “perfect gift” is very stressful. With so many things to consider, the task can seem daunting. These tips aim to ease any stress felt while holiday shopping for a loved one with a disability.
December 2020 Newsletter
When I started Orange Socks, I wasn’t aware of the impact it would have. Not only on others, but on myself as well. I have been incredibly blessed to have this opportunity to meet so many parents and siblings who, like you, have someone in their life who has a...
Support for Your Child Through the Holidays
The holidays bring many changes into our lives. For most people these changes are exciting and help us set the mood for our celebrations. If you or your child has a disability, these changes come with unexpected anxieties and stress. Here are several tips to help ease the stress some people feel when the holiday season starts.
Adaptive Shoes
People come in all different shapes and sizes; this is a well-known fact. For most of us, finding clothing and shoes that fit aren’t an issue. What about those with physical disabilities? Unfortunately, those with physical disabilities have limited options or no options at all.
November 2020 Newsletter
With the season of holidays approaching, I wanted to touch on something that I think is very pertinent during this time. In my interview with Amy Jandrisevits I mention how ignoring differences isn’t how parents want you to respond to their child who has a...
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is changing the ways people with disabilities can interact in the world around them. The number of students enrolled in a special education setting is increasing each year. One way educators are helping ensure that each student’s individual needs are met is through technology.
Orange Socks